I've played Shenzhen I/O before (as well as Zachtronics' other game TIS-100 and Tomorrow Corporation's Human Resource Machine). Maybe not QUITE what you were looking for, but surely of some interest. AND while ive not bothered with this in game myself, Factorio also involves a lot of programming capability from the trains to circuits, switches and triggers for production. Shenzhen I/O is on another angle where the game is all about programming - and I believe yet again people have broken the walls and made games within the games. Its still currently free to play (and I suggest reading up on releaeses to get an idea of where you may be comfortable with as development took a nose dive into a poorly planned path a while back). Changes had to be made to the game as people had created clocks linked to jump computers that were too fast for the servers / code to handle.
Sachys: Starmade has a full logic block and rails system that has seen people make everything from arcade games to a fully transforming modular Voltron.